Monday, August 26, 2013 books

April from Good Books and Good Wine created a wonderful 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge! Check it out and if you'll participate link your post to April's original post.

Day 13: Describe one underappreciated book 
EVERYONE should read

Friendship Bread by Darien Gee
read my review here

Frienship Bread is the story of the small town Avalon in which a loaf of Friendship Bread and a pack of starter suddenly appear on Julia's doorstep. As a favor for her 5 year old daughter Gracie they bake a loaf of friendship bread and share it. Over a short amount of time the whole town is flooded with Amish Friendship Bread and new friendship start to blossom.

Friendship Bread is a wonderful story of life, friendships and how much easier problems are to solve when you have friends to share them with. The book tells stories of many different characters and we get to know them all a bit better and get a peak into their lifes.

I really enjoyed reading this book and it puts your problems into perspective again. It is over 500 pages long but as soon as you start reading you just fly through the story and I had a hard time putting it down again.

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