Monday, April 30, 2012

... in recipes

Risotto con pomodori, scampi et rucola

Ciao amici!

Yes, I am an Italian by heart!

I love visiting Italy, I love Italian, I find Italian men very attractive and Italian women beautiful, I adore the landscape and worship the food! Everyone should visit Italy at least once during their life and there is nothing better than walking into a bar at 11 a.m. ordering “Un café” and enjoying life.

Yesterday evening I brought Italy a bit closer (well, it isn’t that far away. Austria and Italy share a border) and made Risotto con pomodori, scampi et rucola and I want to share the recipe with you.

For 3 people you need:
  • Risotto rice for three (follow the instructions on the box)
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 glass of white wine (Italians would say a good one)
  • vegetable stock
  • Parmesan
  • 3 tomatoes
  • prawns
  • a handful of arugula per person
  • some butter
Brown the onion in a bit of butter and add the rice. Stir until it seems see through, then add the wine and reduce the heat. Let the rice cook until the liquid reduced at bit, then add some of the stock. Don’t forget to stir often. Add the stock in small amounts when liquid reduced and let the rice cook until done. Meanwhile grate the parmesan, wash the arugula (remove the stem if you want) and chop the tomatoes into fine squares (removed the juicy inner bit). Grill the prawns. Add the parmesan and some butter when rice is done (there should be some liquid left otherwise it won’t be light), stir and add tomatoes and prawns. I added the arugula at the table so that it won’t wither.


Sunday, April 29, 2012

... in books

Many of you might have heard of this drama that took place in the YA book blogging community this week. If you don’t I am sorry that you are confused right now but I won’t talk about it here on my blog.

From this Sunday on I will participate in Vicky’s Showcase Sunday which is a weekly meme hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea where we can show the books we got during the week. The reason for participating is that Vicky is a fabulous Hungarian book blogger and I think we Europeans should support each other and this is what I am doing with participating in her Showcase Sunday.

This week I went a bit book bananas and bought some great reads. I have two stressful months ahead of me and as some of you might know whenever I am stressed I read a lot. So I will basically divide my time between reading, studying, reading and working until the end of June. So hopefully I will be able to read some of those books soon.

Real Murders by Charlaine Harris

Plum Lovin’ by Janet Evanovich

Plum Spooky by Janet Evanovich

Plum Lucky by Janet Evanovich

Oscar Wilde and the Candlelight Murders by Gyles Brandreith

The Jane Austen Marriage Manual by Kim Izzo

I hope you had a wonderful week in books too and I am looking forward to reading your comments.

... in pictures

 some Tulip impressions

Friday, April 27, 2012

... in pictures

Next week's topic for the 2012 Photochallenge is:
Black 'n' White / Schwarz-weiß

Please link you post to mine in time.
Submission period is between the 27th of April and the 5th of May.
(11:59 pm CET)


1. Manu  
2. Karin  
3. Quilterin  
4. Diamantin  
5. Gabi  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

... in books

TGIF is a weekly meme hosted by the wonderful Ginger at GReads! and this week 
she wants to know:
Reading Blues: We all get them from time to time. 
What helps you overcome those reading slumps when nothing seems to grab your attention?

I had a real reading slump last summer after I came back from my holidays in Australia. I read a lot of books there on my Kindle and couldn’t wait to get started on a physical book as soon as I was back home but none grabbed my attention. I think I started over 10 different books and put them back on the shelves. It was really frustrating.
This reading slump lasted almost for a month but after I came back from London with about 15 kilos of new books in my bag (yes, I tend to loose control when having the opportunity to shop at Waterstone’s) I finally found one book that was so good that it pulled me out of my slump.

I work as a tutor for English and normally there was a lot to do during the summer holidays and I spent almost 8 hours every day working. Last summer there were almost no kids and I had nothing to do over the holidays. As happy as I was the first week, it really depresses me when I have no plans or places I have to be. I am sure that this reading slump last summer had something to do with this. I am not sure how this summer will be work wise but I am planning not to fall into such a big reading slump again because it was really horrible not to be reading for almost a month. 

By the way, I am still looking for team members for my Daemon Invasion Team. If you want to join me and win awesome prizes, like ARCs and swag, then leave me a comment or send me an e-mail to

Thursday, April 26, 2012

... in books

Those of you who know me a bit or are followers will know that I love Gail Carriger's steampunk Parasol Protectorate series. Clearly one of the best series I read and all books are so well written and entertaining.

This series deals with the life of Alexia Tarabotti a 26 year old spinster (yes, 26, as old as I am - thank God I am not living in Victorian times) in Victorian England. Her main problem is that she is soulless and has to deal with a pack of werewolves and a rove of vampires. I will write a longer review to these books soon.

Jenna at Chocolate Chunky Munkie and Dani from Pen to Paper went to meet the author in Nottingham. How unfair that she is not coming to Austria. Maybe I should move?

Chocolate Chunky Munkie
Anyway, Jenny now hosts an amazing giveaway on her blog. You can win a signed copy of Soulless. Go check it out here.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

... in Daemoninvasion

Over the last couple of weeks, you’ve heard us talking about the upcoming #daemoninvasion and we’re so excited to finally share with you what is going on.
Really excited.

The beautiful and uber cool models, Pepe Toth and Sztella Tziotziosz, who grace the Lux covers, will be joining us in the United States!  You heard right.  They are flying here, from Hungary to spend a few days as Daemon and Katy! While they are here, they will be working with Vania, from VLC Productions (the team behind Cassandra Clare’s The Mortal Instruments, Melissa de La Cruz, Kimberly Derting, Moira Young, Kami Garcia and Margret Stohl, Hillary Duff, Lauren Destefano, and many, many more authors’ book trailers), to film book trailers for the Lux Series.

During the filming in Atlanta, they will be accompanying us on tour! What does that mean? You get to meet them. In the flesh. They will be participating in the signings and events. At those signings, we’ll be giving away signed posters, photos, and other swag. There will also be meet and greet events you can join in on.
At each signing, there will be advanced copies of Onyx given away!

And to top things off (as if this isn’t enough, but we don’t do anything small), there’s something very, very exciting in the works! It involves advanced copies of Opal, water, and a little destination known as the Bahamas. 

I am not kidding. 

This will be epic. 

Are you excited? I am! This tour is going to be so, so much fun, and I’m so thrilled that Pepe and Sztella are a part of it. We owe them a huge thank you and a giant welcome making the 16 hour flight to meet the readers of the Lux Series.  


Daemon Invasion Signing and Event Schedule

June 8th
FoxTale Book Shoppe
Woodstock, GA

June 10th
Barnes and Noble
St Johns Town Center
Jacksonville, FL

June 13th
Barnes and Noble
Waterford Lakes Town Center
Orlando, FL

June 14th
Barnes and Noble
The Palladium at City Place
West Palm Beach, FL

There are several #daemoninvasion street teamers out there and if you want to join a team to win exclusive prizes, search down the #daemoninvasion hashtag to join one of the teams!

Don’t forget to visit Jennifer L. Armentrout’s blog to win a signed set of Half-Blood and Pure in celebration of her adult romance release, Tempting the Best Man, under pen name J. Lynn.  It can be purchased here.

 I am part of the Daemon Invasion Elite Street Team and I need YOU as a Team member!

We as a team of 10 can win awesome goodies, ARCs and swag. 

So if you love Daemon Black as much as I do and if you are interesting in spreading the word then send me an e-mail to so I can add you to my team. 

This contest is international and you don't have to have a blog as long as you have a twitter, facebook, tumbler, etc. account. 

I am looking forward to having YOU on my team!

... in pictures

It is a typical April here in Austria - sunny and warm the one day and cold and rainy the other but spring is here and if you are lucky enough to have your camera with you on a warm and sunny day the outsome might be some beautiful pictures.

fresh leaves on a tree
green green grass
a freshly plowed field
fresh leaves are growing everywhere
cherry blossoms
cherry blossoms closeup

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

... in books

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the wonderful blog The Broke and Bookish and this week’s question is:
Top Ten All Time Favorite Characters In Books

Katherine Heigl starring as Stephanie Plum in the movie
Stephanie Plum in Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series
chaotic, broke and hilarious – Stephanie Plum is Trenton’s best known Bounty Hunter. You just have to love her. 

Death in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series

Gretchen from Christine Nöstlinger’s Gretchen Sackmeier trilogy (German book)

Emma Watson as Hermione Granger
Hermione in the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling

Mary Alice and Patricia Anne in Anne George’s Southern Sisters Mysteries
two sisters who could not be any more different but are the perfect team

Alexia Tarabotti in Gail Carriger’s The Parasol Protectorate series
a strong independent woman in a paranormal Victorian England

Nanny Ogg from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series
I know no one who can sing the Hedgehog song better then her

Right now I can only come up with seven but those are my all time favourites. I always return to them and reread the book they are starring in regularly.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

... in pictures

Here is my picture for this week's topic red!
It shows a red rose I found lying on the street - abandoned!

... in books

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by the wonderful Kristie from The Story Siren.

My parents finally came home after two weeks travelling around Arizona and the thing I was most jealous of was that my mum had the opportunity to spend a whole day at Barnes & Noble in Phoenix, which she did. Reading runs in our family!

Because the know how much I love physical books they brought me back four which sound really great and I am so looking forward to reading them. Right now I try to finish all the books I need to read for my Children’s literature lecture so that I have time to read the books I want to read.

So these four books arrived at my house this week – not in my mailbox but in my little sticky hands. :)

Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris

A Witch in Time by Madelyn Alt

Witchful Thinking by H. P. Mallory

A Killer Read by Erika Chase

Now I know why I keep my excel-sheet with all my books on it up to date.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

... in pictures

For the topic Impressive I had to grab some pictures from my archive because I knew exactly what I wanted to show you.

In the summer of 2005 I visited Berlin with a good friend if mine and on the first day we went to see the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

I was so impressed by it. It is a huge area (19,000 square metres) and is covered with 2,711 concrete blocks arranged in a grid.

When walking through it, it is a strange atmosphere because on the one hand the light can be captured in such a beautiful way on the other hand you know that it is a memorial for seomthing terrible that happened.
Either way, I was highly impressed by it.

The last pictures was taken at a vacation in Greece when visiting the Meteora monastaries. These monastaries are built on high rocks and were extremly hard to reach and the few should be spectacular. On the day that we arrived there it was so foggy that there was no few at all. We got out of the car and my mum had to laugh so hard she almost cried. It was so hillarious. The fog was so thick that we did not see the monastary on the other side of the road. This picture shows the church bells after the fog had lifted a bit.

... in pictures

I will impress you tomorrow with my picture but right now I am on my way to my grandpa's 85th birthday celebration. 

Just a quick announcement about next weeks topic so that you can start brainstorming:
red / rot

Please link you post to mine in time.
Submission period is between the 20th and the 28st of April.
(11:59 pm CET)


1. Diamantin  
2. Karin  
3. Quilterin  
4. Manu  
5. Gabi  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, April 20, 2012

... in TV series

Fantastic Five Friday is a weekly meme hosted by The Weekly Enthusiast.
This week Anna wants to know our 
Five Movies I Make Everyone Watch at Least Once

The Ugly Truth
I love Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler. These two are hilarious. I can also recommend “Life as we know it” with Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel.

Rumor has it
Shirley MacLaine, Jennifer Aniston and Kevin Costner…..enough said!

Disney’s Robin Hood
There is no better Robin Hood than this one.

Love the Donkey!

Pride and Prejudice
Either the version with Keira Knightly which is awesome or the long BBC version with Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy.