Monday, April 30, 2012

... in recipes

Risotto con pomodori, scampi et rucola

Ciao amici!

Yes, I am an Italian by heart!

I love visiting Italy, I love Italian, I find Italian men very attractive and Italian women beautiful, I adore the landscape and worship the food! Everyone should visit Italy at least once during their life and there is nothing better than walking into a bar at 11 a.m. ordering “Un café” and enjoying life.

Yesterday evening I brought Italy a bit closer (well, it isn’t that far away. Austria and Italy share a border) and made Risotto con pomodori, scampi et rucola and I want to share the recipe with you.

For 3 people you need:
  • Risotto rice for three (follow the instructions on the box)
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 glass of white wine (Italians would say a good one)
  • vegetable stock
  • Parmesan
  • 3 tomatoes
  • prawns
  • a handful of arugula per person
  • some butter
Brown the onion in a bit of butter and add the rice. Stir until it seems see through, then add the wine and reduce the heat. Let the rice cook until the liquid reduced at bit, then add some of the stock. Don’t forget to stir often. Add the stock in small amounts when liquid reduced and let the rice cook until done. Meanwhile grate the parmesan, wash the arugula (remove the stem if you want) and chop the tomatoes into fine squares (removed the juicy inner bit). Grill the prawns. Add the parmesan and some butter when rice is done (there should be some liquid left otherwise it won’t be light), stir and add tomatoes and prawns. I added the arugula at the table so that it won’t wither.


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