Booktube Love
This will be a new regular feature on the blog where I will share my favorite booktube channels with you. At the end of each month I will add the links to the channels I introduced you to to this ever growing list.
Alita is the Bootuber behind A Book Affair. She recently started university and even though she is faced with an enormous workload she is still managing to make videos. Her videos vary between reviews, book hauls, wrap-ups, giveaways, discussions and many more. I love her relaxed way of talking to the camera and if you want to know more about her visit her channel or add her on Twitter.
Kat is the bubbly mastermind behind Katytastic. Her videos are always fun and super interesting to watch. Her bookshelves are amazing and her taste in books is really similar to mine. After watching her videos I always have a huge list of books I need to check out immediatly and she not only does book hauls, reviews, TBR videos and other brilliant videos. Kat is also on Twitter if you want to add her.
The wonderful Sarah does brilliant videos on her channel. She lives in Wales and has one of the cutest accents. I only discovered her videos recently and I am so glad that I did. She has a quiet and direct way of telling you her opinion about books. Whenever I watch one of her videos I can feel her love for books and reading and I would really love to meet her one day. She's just great. Her Twitter account can be found here.
Catriona is behind the Booktube Channel Little Book Owl.
She lives Down Under and I just love watching her videos. She does a
lot of Tags and Hauls and the occasional Review. Her videos are always
super entertaining and we share a similar taste in books so I discover
some great books through her channel. She is also on Twitter.
Lisa is a lovely Dutch Blonde Book Bee.
She's currently on a book buying ban but still her channel is filled
with so many great videos and I love listening to her slight adorable
Dutch accent. I hope I'll be able to meet her when I'm in the
Netherlands this year. She's also on Twitter and talking to her is always great fun.
Raeleen, the mastermind behind Padfoot and Prongs 07,
is a Canadian Book Tuber. Her videos are always wonderful to watch and
every time I see one in my subscription box I cannot wait to watch it. I
love her enthusiasm and have to laugh out loud whenever she tells you
that she can't show a book because her camera is currently resting on
it. Her tweets are also great.
Kimberley lives in Perth, Western Australia and the wonderful person behind Kimberley Reads. She has an adorable dog, Luca, who is in basically all her videos and sometimes moves her camera when he is moving in his sleep. Her videos are always energetic and upbeat and I love watching her recent collabs with her brother. I also recommend following her on Twitter for pics of Luca and the beach (how I miss the Western Australian beach - been there in July 2011).
The mastermind behind Ivy Muse is Theresa, a fellow Austrian and also a student of English (I hope I remember that correctly). Her videos are a mix of Tags, Hauls, Book Talks, Book Rants and others. She also posted a parody music video about cover changes - so amazing. You can also find her on Twitter.
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