Sunday, June 24, 2012 books

Showcase Sunday is weekly meme hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits & Tea which was inspired by In My Mailbox from Kristie at The Story Siren.
It is a possibility for us to show what amazing books we got during the week.

After last week’s ultimate book shopping (see last week’s Showcase Monday here) I had a relatively slow week in books.

On Friday I went to my local bookstore(chain) to get a book for my mum and (un)fortunately I bought Cassandra Clare’s City of Lost Souls for me. 

I also bought some e-books this week:

 The Beach Café by Lucy Diamond

The Saturday Supper Club by Amy Bratley


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Don't you hate when you 'accidentally' buy a book ;)

    Happy reading!

    My Sunday Wrap Up

  3. Awesome looking haul this week! Happy reading and enjoy!

