Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Ich Hätt Sogern Noch Tschüss Gesagt

I am not a fan of German lyrics even though German is my native language. So I mainly listen to songs with English lyrics which also means mainly to English bands, singers, songwriters...


(there's always a "but", right?) there are two or three exceptions and one of them is
Roger Cicero. I know that not many of you will know him but sadly he passed away last week as was announced today.

He was an extraordinary singer and songwriter with deep and meaningful and often also entertaining lyrics and he was an amazing singer. He was a musician with all his heart and soul. I am shocked by his death since he was only 45 years old, in good health and on his way to start his new tour but sadly someone had other plans for him.

I will miss him and all the potential songs he would have written in the future. I am a bit lost for words but wanted to at least mention how much I loved and respected this great German musician and for all of you interested, here are some of my favorite songs by Roger.

Zieh' die Schuh aus
losely translated as: Take off your shoes
Frauen regieren die Welt 
losely translated as: Women rule the world

In diesem Moment
losely translated as: In this moment or Right now

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Week 12: Mark

I am so sorry guys but somehow last week taking and posting a picture completely slipped my mind. I will make up for it someday soon but for now let's keep rolling with week 12 and the topic Mark.

As a reader and collector I immediately thought of bookmarks.

As a student and stationary addict I immediately thought of markers.

As a daughter I immediately thought of my mum - the person who left the biggest mark on me, my life, my personality, ...

Thank you mum for always being there for me. 
For being my best friend, my travelling buddy, the person I can tell everything to, someone who will always give me her honest opinion (even if it hurts), my rock, my inspiration. 

Next week I will try not to post something as sappy as this week again but it will be around the topic
1. Quilterin  

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

My Spring TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish.  
This week I'm going to tell you my
Top Ten Books On My Spring TBR

Prudence by Gail Carriger
The Scam by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
The Old Flame Of Mine by J.J. Cook
Well Read, Then Dead by Terrie Farley Moran
The Chocolate Book Bandit by JoAnna Carl
The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman
Mr. Kiss And Tell by Rob Thomas and Jennifer Graham 
Star Teacher by Jack Sheffield

Monday, March 14, 2016

Week 10: Food

This week's topic was food and I personally find it really hard to take a good picture of food. I rarely like photos I have taken and am usually critical about food pics by others as well. It's just so hard to capture it in a way that conveys how tasty it is that does look visually pleasing but I tried and am not unhappy with the result. 

Austria has a big tradition of serving Sunday roast (called Sonntagsbraten in German) which usually is either pork - as in this photo - or beef with some sort of cabbage - red or white, served warm or cold - or other vegetables and a dumpling. You have a huge selection of dumplings here - bread dumplings, potatoe dumplings, semolina dumling, ...

Guess who would have liked to taste it too:

No way, honey! It was too good to share.


Next week's topic is specific to my hometown. I would like to see pictures capturing 

1. Quilterin  

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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Week 9: Yellow


This week's topic was Yellow and this took me longer than I expected but here it is:

I am a reader and book lover and the "for Dummies" series is my absolute favorite when it comes to non-fiction books. I love them because their explanations are really simple and easy to understand and since my history lessons in school were basically non-existent I love learning while reading them. Hopefully I'll add many more to my collection.

The promt for next week is
1. Karin  2. Quilterin  

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Friday, March 4, 2016

A Love Letter

Dear Jan,

it's March 4th, 2016 - your 4th birthday! 

Happy Birthday to you!

Over the last four years I had the priviledge that your mum and dad loved and trusted me enough to let me be a big part of your life and I enjoyed every second. For writing this post I sorted through four years of pictures I've taken from you and I can tell you; there were so many!

I first saw you when Eva and I visited you and your mum in the hospital a few days after you were born. You were so tiny. I immediately fell in love with you.

After that we saw each other regularly. While your parents were in lectures we cruised around campus - you usually sleeping in your stroller. When you were older we had some great conversations while walking around. You were looking at the clouds over your head while I was telling you about life, struggles I was facing, the colors of the rainbow, unicorns ... so basically everything important.

We visited the zoo to look at the tigers, spent so much time at the playground that it's now named after me, learned to walk over bridges (the little one on the playground), learned how not to freak out on the swing, you decided to call me Eva instead of Karin (thanks for that buddy) and we spent hours sitting on a bench facing the busy street right around the corner from university watching cars - especially ambulances and police cars.

Now you are in kindergarden and a big brother. Now we go on different adventures. You taught be how to be really patient, how to learn to understand a child's language, that kids are way more sturdy than adults think (no Judith, relax I never dropped him). I discovered that it is okay to let a kid stay up late while you are babysitting, especially when he has such cool parents.

I can finally go to Toys'R'Us again and buy all the Lego and stuffed animals I want without feeling ridiculous. Playing with Legos for hours is one of your favorite past-times nowadays and even though I hate board games, I am playing them with you because everything is fun with you and I don't want to disapoint my baby boy.

And at your parents' wedding you were the only guy I wanted to dance with. And we did - at three in the morning (because everything was too exciting for you to sleep).


Now you are 4 years old, in kindergarden, an adorable big brother (you'll cringe about this when you're old, I know), talk like a grown-up and are the best kid I know. We still share a special bond and I am happy that we do. A huge thank you to your parents that they made this possible for us.

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!
