Monday, August 8, 2016

Week 31: Love

Since I am away right now I will show you my photo of Love when I am back. 
If you want to see pictures of my trip you can follow me on Instagram.
For next week I would like to see photos for the following topic

Monday, August 1, 2016

Week 30: Camera

Some years ago I took the plunge and invested money in a good camera. Before owning this one I took my photos with one of those small digital compact cameras with really bad resolution.

This camera changed the way I take photos.

Next week's topic is 

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Friday, July 29, 2016

Week 29: Colorful

The last themec in our challenge was the wonderful topic of 

Lots of bright colors are something I really love and adore and there are hardly any things more satisfactory than staring at an assortment of colored pencils or pens or a new palett of watercolor. Well, maybe (certainly) staring at the ocean.

Next week I would like to see your ideas for
1. Quilterin  

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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Week 28: Work

This week's topic was
and around my apartment there is a lot - a lot, a lot - of construction work going on.

Next week I would love to see many
1. Quilterin  

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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Top Ten Books Set Outside The US

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish.  
This week I'm going to tell you my
Top Ten Books Set Outside The US
The Martian by Andy Weir
Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
It's not me, it's you by Mhari Mc Farley
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
Those Faraday Girls by Monica McInerney
Breakfast at Darcy's by Ali McNamara
The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George
Going Postal and all other Discworld Novels by Terry Pratchett
Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes

Thursday, July 14, 2016

What's in my Bag - New York City Edition

I'm pretty sure that everyone who ever watched a YouTube video stumbled upon a "What's in my Bag" video recommendation. I am a nosy person and love seeing what bags other girl use and what they are schlepping around on a daily basis. I myself was carrying around big and really heavy bags but over the years I started switching bags depending on the things I need on this specific day. So I either carry around a smaller bag when I don't go to university or a larger bag that can hold my notebook, papers and books.

It's also different when I am away on holiday. When I'm wandering around the city all day for many days in a row I try to reduce the weight of my bag drastically. I carry around as little as possible in a bag as small as possible. For my six day trip to New York City in June I found the perfect bag which fits all my necessities.

When I'm away I need very little - my purse (which is usually not the one I use at home since I don't need all my membership cards and it's easier to switch purses than to clean out all my cards and put them back in afterwards), my camera (I bought a small Canon Ixus compact camera before my trip which is as good as my big one and a lot lighter), tissues, lip balm, gum, a pen (because you never know when you might need one), sunglasses (I usually take cheap ones which I don't mind breaking) and a small mint tin which holds my medicine, band aids, painkillers and a hair band.

Since I am nosy I would love to know what you are carrying with you either when on vacation or on a day to day basis.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Week 27: Sour

The first thing that came to mind when thinking about this week's topic were lemons and limes but since I wanted to challenge me a bit with this photos I tried coming up with something different.

Here is what I came up with:

Next week's topic is:
1. Quilterin  2. Gabi  

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Thursday, July 7, 2016

I did not vanish but it felt like it

Over the course of the last six (6!!!!!) weeks every member of my family was sick! 

It all started when my mum and I returned from New York City. She started to feel unwell and spent almost a week in bed feeling poorly. After she got better my dad got a cold (man-cold - almost deadly) and after fighting it for five weeks on Sunday evening I finally gave in and went to bed with quite a high fever and am only today returning to the world of the world of the living.

Spending six weeks either taking care of your loved ones (including your dog who needs TLC probably the most - in his opinion) or studying for your finals (which you missed because of a horribly timed fever), there is no time for blogging.

Now I am officially on summer break and started thinking about things I want to do during my three months off and dedicating more time to blogging is high on the list. I got a long list of ideas written down in my Bullet Journal and am now taking the time to plan, write, prepare posts, taking photos, enjoying the creativity of writing, ...

So be prepared to see more action here over the next weeks and wish me luck being able to planning my blogging better when university comes back into my life again.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Week 24: Snack

This week's topic was Snack(s). I have a huge sweet tooth and I love everything chocolaty and sweet. So one of the best things that can happen to me is when there is some kind of cake for afternoon coffee. 

During the warmer months I love having this particular strawberry and yoghurt cake (which - to be completely honest - is store bought but I don't really care). It's fresh and tasty and a perfect afternoon snack or pick me up. 

Next week's topic is
1. Gabi  

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Monday, June 13, 2016

Week 23: Reflection

This week I wanted to see your pictures of Reflections. I've been to New York City recently and as there are a lot of skyscrapers with lots of windows there are many beautiful reflections.
But this one really stuck with me.

The left side is the original while the right one is the reflection in the mirror of the Museum of Modern Art's (aka the MoMA) bathroom mirror.

Next week I want to see your pictures on
1. Karin  

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Monday, June 6, 2016

Week 22: What Makes Me Happy

Since I'm still trying to get back into my routine after being away and finals coming upI will only leave next week's promt here and bring you my pictures as soon as possible.

So for next week I want to see your pictures on

Monday, May 30, 2016

Week 21: Row

Since I'm currently not in Vienna at the moment I will only leave next week's promt here and bring you my pictures as soon as I am back.

So for next week I want to see your pictures on
What Makes Me Happy

Monday, May 23, 2016

Week 20: Books

Since I'm currently not in Vienna at the moment I will only leave next week's promt here and bring you my pictures as soon as I am back.

So for next week I want to see your pictures on

Sunday, May 22, 2016

All My Bags Are Packed, I'm Ready To Go

I'm off to New York City!

I got out my New York box which I got from my aunt for my birthday and started flipping through my guide books which were a present from my other aunt and my parents. I honestly cannot wait to get off the plane and start exploring this amazing city.

I was born and raised in Austria's biggest city and still live here because I can't even imagine living anywhere else in Austria. So I am used to bigger cities and love getting to know them but I'm pretty sure New York will be something special. It's been on my "cities to see"-list for many years now and I am so happy that my parents gave me this tip as a present for my 30th birthday.

So me and my mom, aka the best travel buddy in the whole wide world, will soon board a plane and 9 hours later will get off in New York City and have a whole week to explore and experience the city.

I got some recommendations from friends but if you know a place I need to see either leave a comment or tweet me. I'm pretty sure I will post some photos in my Instagram if you want to check it out.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Week 19: Sunset

What a brilliant week to pick the theme of Sunset - it rained straight from Tuesday to Sunday and if it did not rain it was cloudy and grey. Really depressing


yesterday evening it cleared up and I was able to get some atmospheric sunset pictures.

The theme for week 20 is
1. Quilterin  

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Sunday, May 8, 2016

Week 18: Travel

This week's challenge promt was Travel. I love to go places and I am happy to say that I've already seen amazing corners of our world. I'll be eternally grateful to my parents who took me there and made it possible for me to experience places like Western Australia, the USA, Croatia, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Greece and many more.

So when I'm thining about travelling, airplanes immeditely popped into mind. On most weekends planes go over my house to land in Vienna and this time it was a beautiful day so I spent some time on the balcony and tried to capture some.

So let's go get away soon because the travel bug bit me again.

Next week I would like to see a 
1. Karin  

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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Week 17: Purple

Here is my photo for Purple:

We had a visit of spring and summery temperatures in Vienna for some days in April but at the end this last month was a mix of everything imaginable - weatherwise! I'm really happy that the flowers in the balcony survived the cold nights but as of this weekend summer finally arrived on the balcony. I will show you some pictures either here or on my Instagram soon. 

For next week I want to see your pictures about Travel
1. Karin  

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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Week 16: These are a few of my favorite things

I am a born and raised Austrian so I don't know the movie "The Sound of Music". It's always hilarious when Americans want to know if Austria is like in this movie and you have to tell them that basically no Austrian has ever seen it.

The only part I know is this:

It was also the inspiration for this week's topic - so here are a few of my favorite thing.

Music - especially Lady Antebellum and The Corrs
Books - mysteries like Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series and her Fox and O'Hare series co-written with Lee Goldberg and Terry Pratchett's Discworld series
Crime series on TV - Castle is my absolute favorite
Flowers - in all variation

Next week's topic is:
1. Karin  

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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Week 15: Black & White

This week's topic was Black & White and I had lots of fun thinking about what to do for it. I wanted to do a black & white edition of a photo and discovered that flowers work best and now I couldn't decide which picture to use so you'll get two. 

Next week I want your photos for the following topic:
These are a few of my favorite things

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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Week 14: Water

I love taking pictures of water - the ocean, lakes, rivers, puddles, the rain - you get what I mean...

Next week I'll try to get the perfect picture for
Black & White

1. Karin  

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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Week 13: Contact

As a dog owner I can watch Felix sleep in the weirdest positions but one thing is always the same - he has to have contact with something. The couch, a leg of a table, the wall, a cabinet, a person's leg, ...

These snapshots were all captured on different evenings. 

Next week's topic is 
1. Quilterin  

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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Ich Hätt Sogern Noch Tschüss Gesagt

I am not a fan of German lyrics even though German is my native language. So I mainly listen to songs with English lyrics which also means mainly to English bands, singers, songwriters...


(there's always a "but", right?) there are two or three exceptions and one of them is
Roger Cicero. I know that not many of you will know him but sadly he passed away last week as was announced today.

He was an extraordinary singer and songwriter with deep and meaningful and often also entertaining lyrics and he was an amazing singer. He was a musician with all his heart and soul. I am shocked by his death since he was only 45 years old, in good health and on his way to start his new tour but sadly someone had other plans for him.

I will miss him and all the potential songs he would have written in the future. I am a bit lost for words but wanted to at least mention how much I loved and respected this great German musician and for all of you interested, here are some of my favorite songs by Roger.

Zieh' die Schuh aus
losely translated as: Take off your shoes
Frauen regieren die Welt 
losely translated as: Women rule the world

In diesem Moment
losely translated as: In this moment or Right now

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Week 12: Mark

I am so sorry guys but somehow last week taking and posting a picture completely slipped my mind. I will make up for it someday soon but for now let's keep rolling with week 12 and the topic Mark.

As a reader and collector I immediately thought of bookmarks.

As a student and stationary addict I immediately thought of markers.

As a daughter I immediately thought of my mum - the person who left the biggest mark on me, my life, my personality, ...

Thank you mum for always being there for me. 
For being my best friend, my travelling buddy, the person I can tell everything to, someone who will always give me her honest opinion (even if it hurts), my rock, my inspiration. 

Next week I will try not to post something as sappy as this week again but it will be around the topic
1. Quilterin  

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