Tuesday, November 23, 2010

... in books

I know, you read a lot of reviews about “Eat Pray Love” everywhere and I really tried hard for some time not to read this book. Then I read it and tried not to like it but that is even harder. It is an amazing novel!

I find this story so fascinating because not only I read it but my mum and her cousin read it as well and my mum and me really could identify with the Italian section and liked the Bali one and my mum’s cousin just loved the part in India and could not identify as well with the other two.
This kind of proofs that everyone reads this book differently but I think everyone takes a certain message out of it.

So, as you can read, I really liked it. I liked it so much that I went and bought “Committed” as well but did not have the time to read it. Now I think I will wait until the Christmas holidays – or not.

The book tells part of Elizabeth Gilbert’s life after her 30th birthday. She is married, has a house and she and her husband are trying to get a baby but one night she realizes that she just don’t want that. So she struggles through a nasty divorce and some really terrible months and another bad relationship until she decides to give up her life in the States for a year and travels to Italy, India and Bali.

I don’t want to spoil the story for you so I won’t tell you the whole story – just read the book. It is worth it. Maybe you have to struggle through the first few pages but when Elizabeth finally arrives in Italy the book is just so wonderful.

I also saw the Hollywood film with Julia Roberts as Elizabeth Gilbert. Kind of free interpretation in some parts and I would have appreciated if the part where she is in India would have been shorter but the film is also very good.

I highly recommend reading this novel even if it is so in right now.